Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Introducing Magdelaina

My name is Magdelaina. Well, not really, but that's all you need to know. I like to knit, sew, quilt, and pretty much do all of that Suzie-homemaker stuff. I think that we are too reliant on stores and manufactured chemicals. We have become a society of convenience first, and we do not think of the long-term effects of things. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hard core hippie, or activist. I don't want to debate current events in great depth. I'm not going to move onto a commune or be disconnecting from the grid anytime soon. I do however think if we can find little ways to be a little gentler with our planet, and small things we can change which minimize the toxins we expose ourselves to, that would be awesome.

This will be an interesting experiment, or more accurately many experiments. I have come to really enjoy the ideas and links on pinterest, as well as all over the internet. I find that sometimes it's hard to get real world feedback on things. I will try different things out; recipes, crafts, diy beauty products, sewing, and household. I will offer feedback on different things I read on PCOS, as that is something near and dear to my heart. After my baby is born (hopefully not until November), I will share thoughts on things I research and try in regards to caring for and raising her. I will do my best to reference and source anything I discuss.

I am just a nobody, just like everyone else. I don't have any special degrees or expertise in anything. What I say is simply my opinion, so feel free to read my thoughts, research on your own and come to your own conclusions. Please don't quote me as an argument for or against anything. I'm only human. I will do my best to be open and honest about my experiences, whether it's trying a specific recipe for hair removal, or following a pattern to make a baby sling (both things I intend to be trying out soon). Some of my experiments may require a lot of time (like someday I will totally cut out gluten from my diet for a while and reintroduce it). I will not try anything that seems stupid or pointless to me (I will not try any fad diets or crazy exercise programs), but I do want to get to the point where I am dehydrating and canning/making a pantry full of snacks and food for Little bit, using only fresh real ingredients. I joke about the zombie apocalypse, but mostly because it's easy to joke about when I feel that whatever happens someday will be just as devastating. I don't think the world is going to end anytime soon, but I do think it's possible at any time. I do think it's important to preserve as many of the traditional methods as we can because someday we (or our children, or their children) may not be able to go to the store and get whatever we need. We're also in a funky period where I don't believe the versions of things we can buy at the store are good for us, or worth the money required. There is no value, it's become about quantity and convenience.

Hope you enjoy if you decide to join me on my journey...